Monday, April-19
We spent just a little too long in Katherine updating this blog – more than three hours all told (11:00am – 2:20pm) – which put us under some pressure to get to our evening digs before nightfall. The Outback is not a place you want to be riding a motorcycle after dark; we've seen far too much roadkill on this trip already .. we don't want to become some!

I guess you could go to Cape Canaveral to see this kind of thing .. probably, if you get your timing right. But on an ordinary road network? .. and also through a sleepy little township's main street? .. Absolutely incredible!
BUT yet more of our riding time is taken up with the spectacle .. which puts even more pressure on our afternoon's schedule.

I've suggested, therefore, that she considers taking-up rowing as a hobby!

I recommend it as a stopover destination.
Tuesday, April-20

We arrive with enough time to rent a cabin at the local campsite .. and go buy a couple of steaks and some sausages to put on our host's barbecue facility

[The theory doesn't work by the way!]

Wednesday, April-21

[* Point of grammar: Why Devils Marbles? Why not Devil's Marbles? Well, Australian geographical naming convention decrees the omission of the apostrophe in official place names such as Princes Highway, Mrs Macquaries Point, Kings Park, Devils Marbles.]
There's not a whole lot else going on down the Stuart Highway from Tennant Creek to Alice. It's a fairly monotonous road.

Well, someone, somewhere's got to have the most central pub in Oz after all!
.. and
oh yes .. I almost forgot ..

We've certainly enjoyed our time in the Tropics .. but it's nice to be heading back into a more temperate climate again. We'll be back though .. one way or another.

AND we're still bang-on target .. schedule-wise .. :o)
We'll stop here for a couple of days, I reckon .. just for a breather - and to catch-up on the laundry .. and deal with some other outstanding chores

The tyres are still good. If I wanted to change them before reaching Adelaide, then now and here is the only real opportunity I'll get. This pair has now covered more than 6,000 km [3,730 miles]. I reckon they're still good for another 2,000 - 2,500 kilometres [1,250 - 1,550 miles] .. IF I ride carefully.

So I'm now scouring the Alice for a sheet of some decent 'large bubble' bubble wrap to use as a substitute. Yep, really! .. would you credit it?
All this .. plus some more route planning, which will involve a few phone calls .. and we should be outta here tomorrow, Friday-23rd .. or Saturday-24th at the latest.
Kings Canyon and Uluru (Ayers Rock) beckons!
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